Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all ~ Harriet Van Horne

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Post 4th of July Treats

For most people 4th of July usually means lots of bbq and beer. However if you are like me you strongly dislike beer. And since I just spent the weekend in Atlantic City, I'm going to pass on the alcohol in general. This meal can be personalized for both meat eaters and non. It's hearty, American and delicious!

The secret to an amazing bbq sauce ingredients:
  • ketchup
  • brown sugar
  • spicy mustard
  • vinegar (use minimally)

Ingredients for the sausage and peppers:
  • Chicken sausage or another kielbasa (can be sweet or spicy depending on your taste)
  • Green and red peppers
  • Spanish Onion
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
*if you want to keep it meatless use tofu but make sure you press it well first to allow it to brown properly

  • Saute the peppers and onions in the pan
  • Add chopped sausage and garlic once the peppers have browned
  • Add sauce mixture to meat and pepper mix until it thickens and starts to caramelized
  • Add brown sugar to desired sweetness

Serve with whole wheat pita bread or over brown rice

For a nice and not too sweet finish, top off the meal with some watermelon pieces a homemade lemonade.


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