Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all ~ Harriet Van Horne

Friday, February 18, 2011

Open Faced Smoked Ham and Gouda Sandwich

This sandwich is really easy to prepare and looks fantastic if you are serving small plates. If you want to make it more appetizer sized opposed to a first course portion simply cut the bread, meat and cheese into smaller portions. You can use any sort of meat/cheese combo but I chose a smoked gouda and honey ham. The sprouts stick to the sandwich with a generous portion of spicy mustard. If you are trying this sandwich with turkey and brie, I would suggest a plum or sweet jelly and top the sandwich with sprouts or a tart apple. Make sure to grill the bread on both sides first to give a variation in textures. Serve warm.

  • Crusty bread in slices
  • Smoked gouda
  • Honey ham slices
  • Spicy mustard
  • Clover sprouts

  • Grill bread on both sides
  • Grill ham and cheese on broiler
  • Top bread with ham and cheese
  • Cover with spicy mustard
  • Top with sprouts


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